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Some people dream of success. We make it happen.
Title Curative


We specialize in satisfying Title Curative needs. While we are routinely gathering curative to clear title as we are leasing, we also provide reliable curative that satisfies the requirements for Drilling Title Opinions or Division Order Title Opinion. Whether a Drilling Title Opinion has ten requirements or one hundred, we are happy to procure the necessary documents to cure them.

Lease Aquisition


We help our clients secure leases through a combination of careful research and excellent communication. We conduct preliminary title checks to determine ownership, then work with potential lessors in an open, transparent fashion to educate them about the benefits of developing their oil and gas rights – and to represent them once a lease is executed..

Title Research


From due diligence to title curative, our title services provide reliable accuracy that allows our clients to pursue and confirm lease agreements with confidence.

We research mineral ownership, surface ownership, royalty, working interest and leaseholds. We have HBP and depth severeance experience.

We are diligent and thorough in our  title research. We bring deep, functional expertise,and are known for our no-nonsense approach to work. We love what we do and we love bringing success to our clients.

James W.- Project Manager

“Responsive, diligent, knowledgeable and accurate, is how I would describe the team at Turney Land and Minerals. ”

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